تقرير عن صالح العجيري بالانجليزي

تقرير عن صالح العجيري بالانجليزي

تقرير عن صالح العجيري بالانجليزي هو ما سنتطرق للحديث عنه ضمن سطور هذا المقال، وذلك نظرًا لما قدّمه الدكتور صالح العجيري لعلم الفلك خلال مسيرة حياته العلمية والعملية، والتي تميّزت بالكثير من الإنجازات المختلفة، والتي نُسبت إليه تقديرًا لجهوده المبذولة في علم الفلك، فضلًا عن النتاج الفكري من كتب ومجلدات قام بطباعتها بأسلوب سهل وبسيط، لكي تكون مرجعًا للقارئ والباحث في علم الفلك، وعبر موقع ويكي الكويت سوف نستعرض تقريراً عن صالح العجيري باللغة الإنجليزية.

مقدمة تقرير عن صالح العجيري بالانجليزي

Saleh Al-Ajiri is considered one of the most important and prominent Arab and Muslim scholars in astronomy and arithmetic, that science that he loved since childhood and was eager to learn more about it in his old age, especially after he spent nearly a year in the desert, which gave him the opportunity to meditate a lot on nature and the sky, and what the Rashaida tribe taught him from How to determine the four directions, and in addition to his studies, he read books and research on astronomy, which developed his talent into a dream and ambition.[1]

عرض تقرير عن صالح العجيري بالانجليزي

The path of Dr. Saleh Muhammad Al-Ajairi was not paved and easy to cross, on the contrary, he faced many difficulties during his research and his movement to gain knowledge and knowledge, especially in astronomy, as the means of transportation were not well secured, and the distances between countries are far and require a long travel, and he was not This is an obstacle to Al-Ajiri’s love for science and his ambition to learn more about astronomy, which has become his main concern. His father was the first to encourage and support him for research and learning. He sent him to the best schools and teachers to learn from them and benefit the nation and Muslims with his knowledge. He learned the science of the answering quadrant at the hands of Sheikh Ahmed Khalifa. Al-Nabhani and that was his strong breakthrough in astronomy.

After the end of World War II, and despite the lack of adequate means of transportation, he traveled to many countries, the first of which was the Republic of Egypt, where he joined King Fuad I University and studied at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, graduating from it with a grade of excellence in astronomy, and then he moved to Mansoura in northern Egypt and completed He studied to obtain a certificate of specialization in astronomy from the Egyptian Astronomical Union, and he conducted many researches and explorations there, and then moved between Arab and foreign countries, participating in Arab and international conferences, so that he could open his own observatory in the early seventies, which was named after him, and obtain an honorary doctorate in Sciences from Kuwait University in 1981.

خاتمة تقرير عن صالح العجيري بالانجليزي

During his long career in astronomy, Al-Ajiri presented many achievements that were attributed to him in appreciation of what he provided to astronomy, including the Al-Ajiri Calendar, the Al-Ajiri Observatory, the Al-Ajiri Islamic Center in Indonesia, in addition to the library and museum that he dreamed of, and not only that, but he left to his students from After him and the astronomer, many books and volumes were adopted as reliable references in astronomy, leaving his distinctive mark in the history of science and in his home country, Kuwait, which is proud of having such beneficial scientists for the nation.

تقرير عن صالح العجيري بالانجليزي جاهز doc

يمكن الاطلاع على تقرير جاهز عن صالح العجيري باللغة الإنجليزية من خلال النقر على الرابط التالي “من هنا“، وذلك ليتسنّى للقارئ الكريم من تقديم موضوع تعبير أو تقرير كامل عن الدكتور صالح العجيري أمام الكثير من الهواة والأخصائيين ممن لا يتحدثون اللغة العربية، وذلك نظرًا للجهود التي قدمها العجيري لعلم الفلك، والتي تستحق أن نتحدث عنها بكل لغات العالم.

من هو صالح العجيري

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